Since many brand names vary throughout the world, make sure you know the generic names
of your medications. Generic names usually appear in English on the package.
If you are taking a prescription medication bring a supply to last until you
can establish a reliable source in Korea. Sending medicationthrough the mail might
present a Customs problem. A pharmacy service based in London can obtain medicines
not available in Korea; contact the Medical Referral Service (MRS) for detail.
Pharmacies near big hospitals and larger pharmacies are more likely to carry a greater
range of drugs; they are also more likely to have English-speaking pharmacists.
This is important if your prescription includes
multiple drugs because a pharmacist must be able to fill all of the drugs prescribed in your prescription or else it cannot be filled at all.
Pharmacies in Seoul are everywhere and easy to spot. Just look for a or sign. It is possible at pharmacies to buy medicine
with a doctor's prescription, as well as over-the-counter medications.
It is important to let your doctor and pharmacist know of any allergies your may have.
Please contact the medical referral service(MRS) on
3010-4769-8212 or 010-8750-8212.
#211, Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel. +82.2.793.8878 /
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